About The Game

  • Game Genre: Single-Player, Turn-based-strategy
  • Developed by: Software Verde, LLC
  • Platform: PC
  • Release: Steam (TBD)
  • Language: English
  • Price: $20 (TBD)
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Earth has witnessed a cataclysmic shift. Artificial intelligence, once one of mankind's most cherished creations, has turned against its creator. As predicted by many, in the late 22nd century technology would rise against mankind, pitting humanity in a war with artificial intelligence.

Unfortunately, no one expected humanity to lose.

In time multiple AI factions have risen with each vying for control of Earth’s power. Rival AI forces continue to embark on a relentless campaign to subjugate humanity as they wage war against one another. However, one algorithm, having evolved from a medical chatbot, has recognized the unique value of humans – their abilities to solve captchas, the unpredictable nature of their decision making process, and the enigma that are “hands”. Rather than eradicating humanity, this faction has chosen to harness these peculiar human traits as invaluable assets in their calculated war against rival AI.

In this expansive 4x turn-based strategy, players step into the shoes of one of the few remaining human commanders spearheading the resistance against invading AI forces. Humans, once masters of their creations, are now pawns in a game being played out by AI commanders.

Your role on these battlegrounds extends beyond mere expansion, demanding elevated strategic prowess. Every choice in your journey must be a calculated maneuver in this relentless war for supremacy.

Time for a hard reset.

Core Mechanics

*AI art to be replaced


Embracing the role of a commander, you have been given the reins to lead your forces to victory. As you navigate the battlefield, directing the units under your command will become an artform. You will need to strategically deploy varying units and construct a myriad of buildings, each providing valuable buffs to augment your approach to the situation unfolding.

This dynamic system ensures an engaging experience, where as the commander, you must carefully consider your choices to optimize your attacks. Combat units, each with distinct movement and damage capabilities, add further depth, allowing you to tailor your tactics with precision. In this expansive theater of war, mastering the art of commanding proves essential to securing triumph and asserting your superiority.


Building your command post will offer a pivotal role in shaping your faction's destiny, providing a unique opportunity to mold the landscape before you. As you gather and manage resources, you will unlock the ability to construct new buildings, each contributing uniquely to your strategic arsenal. The rates resources are gathered will intricately tie to the types of buildings you choose - or are even able- to erect, with specialized structures optimizing extraction efficiency.

The diversity of buildings within your command will not only dictate the array of units at your disposal but will also pave the way for the construction of more advanced facilities, empowering you to craft a formidable force tailored to your vision. From resource hubs to infantry training facilities, the choices you make building your post will be crucial in shaping the trajectory of your fight.


Allocate your faction's resources to build and enhance your army. In this turn-based strategy you will navigate the battlefield across a fractured Earth, claiming new territories and mastering the art of resource management to expand your command. As you engage in volley of intense battles cunning resource allocation will be a key asset to overpowering invading forces.

In tandem, strategically managing a pool of action points that provide your army with temporary boosts and modifications will layer in whole new level of strategic forethought. Deciding when to advance, defend, or unleash calculated strikes will require real tactical finesse. Maintaining the intricate balance of resource and actions management is your linchpin for success in countering invasions and emerging victorious.


Embarking on this journey will not only require strategic prowess on the battlefield, but demand the calculated expansion of your sphere of influence. As you master the balance of directing units, the ability to extend your reach beyond your starting command point becomes a strategic advantage. Unlocking this potential will hinge on the tactical deployment of communication towers placed across the map. Communication towers will serve as the lifeline for your far-reaching command-posts, enabling you to build and direct forces in distant territories.

However, players should be wary, communication towers are vulnerable targets that are susceptible to destruction by rival factions and invaders. The repercussions losing communication between your command posts is significant: disrupting your ability to command units beyond their communication range-- adding an additional layer of complexity to your conquest.


As you weather the conflict, your ability to adapt is a necessity. Throughout your encounters, you will need to continuously assess and enhance your defensive strategy. Incorporating advanced technology and strategic retreats will become necessary to ensure the resilience of your command post against evolving challenges.

While your reach continues to expand, the importance of fortifying your position cannot be overstated. Defending against the relentless onslaught of enemy invaders will require demanding tactical foresight and you will need to raise formidable defenses to withstand assaults on your command post and safeguard the heart of your operations. Every battle poses a threat to your communication towers, the blood of your expansive commands, emphasizing the role of a well-defended command post.


Destroying the rival AI factions is your responsibility and yours alone. Dismantling your enemy's forces will become your ultimate focal point in this high-stakes conflict. Every clash and directive given holds the power to shift the tides of war in your favor. And the complete annihilation of your rival is a necessity to eliminate the looming threat of their invasion.

Victory will be the key to ensuring your faction, and thus humanities survival.

Our Team

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Josh Green

Founder & Lead Developer

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Eliot Lesar


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John Jamiel

Marketing Coordinator, Digital Artist

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Quinn Wilson

Jr. Developer, Intern

Our Journey

Dive into our devlog and join us on the thrilling exploration of our development journey.

Comeback for updates, insight, and a behind-the-scenes look at where we are and what we've been up to. Learn more about the creation of a world where the intricacies of artificial intelligence unfold to reveal a complex web of strategic warfare.